L’INGLESE è la prima lingua internazionale, perciò chi non lo avesse come madrelingua, dovrebbe impararlo come seconda lingua, ...

con buona pace di esperanto e di altre lingue magari più funzionali per la precisione semantica (come il tedesco) o perché assai promossa (come il francese 2ª lingua insegnata al mondo) o per il connubio con l’arte (come l’italiano 4ª lingua insegnata/mondo) o per il numero di persone che la parlano ordinariamente (come il cinese e lo spagnolo). Il che a prescindere dalle simpatie o antipatie per i governi di Uk e Us.

Links utili: <duolingo; elllo, lettore, ConiugazioneVerbi, GoogleTranslate; LevelTtest> <ilpost> Perché in inglese grafia e pronuncia sono così irregolari? Se lo “spelling” è così imprevedibile dipende soprattutto da come si diffuse la stampa a caratteri mobili in Gran Bretagna, che lì iniziò in un momento in cui c’era un vuoto normativo tra la lingua parlata e quella scritta.

CONTINUA IN SEGUITO DEL SOMMARIO per Appendici (ad se. differenze Usa-Uk; Obama; presunzioni ideologiche e weltanschauung)

[Pagina senza pretese di esaustività o imparzialità, modificata 13/11/2022; col colore grigio distinguo i miei commenti rispetto al testo attinto da altri]

Pagine correlate: Uk, Us, Ue, italiano, inglesismi


Non prendere questa pagina come istruttiva; è ad uso mio come brogliaccio di appunti.


2022.01.02 da diversi giorni studio un po' di inglese con duolingo: purtroppo difetto nel listening e dunque anche nello speaking; annoto appunti in una mia pagina noWeb


↑2020.04.20 riprendo Duolingo dopo tanto tempo. Whose tea is it Di chi è il tè?  whose coat is it di chi è il cappotto? Whose pens are these (ma anche whose are these pens); Ma whose are the shoes di chi sono le scarpe?


↑2019.12.gg loro mi dicono di sì they tell (non say) me yes. Shirt maglia camicia; He appeared without a shirt (senza camicia): skirt gonna; coat cappotto; shoe; clothes vestiti panni abbigliamento (uomo?); suit abito da uomo; dress vestito da donna; hat cappello


↑2019.03.19 AVVERBI you eat as much as you want; I am not as tired as you (sarebbe sbagliato dire so tired as you). He is neither a doctor nor a lawyer. I neither read nor write. Does neither of you have a sandwich? (nessuno di voi ha un panino?) I do not work either Saturday or Sunday (oppure I work neither Saturday nor Sunday, ma non usare doppia negazione I don't work neither). I don't walk, nor run oppure I neither walk nor run non cammino né corro. Me neither. Does neither of you have a sandwich? I know neither of them; neither of the girls works; nor me oppure me neither nemmeno io

Twice is too much. How much is it? Easily (facilmente); completely (completamente).

You drive the car however much you want (guidi la macchina quanto vuoi)

Nonetheless (ciò nonostante, tuttavia)

Their dog is still alive (ancora); there’s still time to register (c'è ancora tempo per registrarsi); The family is at dinner still; it is not there yet (non è ancora là); are we there yet (ci siamo già?); I have it already (ce l'ho già); she already decided (non she decided already). Is it Friday already? it is already almost (quasi) night. Currently (attualmente).

- Avverbi che vanno preposti al verbo o preposti rispetto all'italiano; We only stayed a few days (siamo rimasti solo pochi giorni): L'atleta mangia solo carne: The athlete only eats meat; sarebbe errato eats only meet. We only stayed a few days, I have only one (of them) left (me ne rimane uno solo). It is only a matter of time questione di tempo; she only eats fruit; I only have an hour; we only have tea; (only ≠ just); You only live once (si vive una sola volta); I only have half of the books. We only have two possibilities.He always wears blue shirts; my husband always reads; she always has time in the afternoon; Why are you always late? we even have a fish soup (abbiamo pure/anche una ..); Yes even him (pure lui); we also drink wine (beviamo anche vino; non anche noi beviamo); who also is there; what (altro) do you have? Who else is on the boat? Chi altro c'è sulla barca? The book is also available in Portuguese (disponibile pure in). If he is not vegetarian, he definitely (sicuramente) eats meet; just (solo, appena, proprio, ≠only): I just couldn’t wait non potrei proprio aspettare; (ma poi va posposto) he is just a child (è solo un bambino); it is just a mouse; it is just a bear oppure it is only a bear. It happened just like this (è accaduto proprio così). Do not tell me it was just an act (Non dirmi che fosse solo un atto). He is clearly not a boy (certamente lui non è un ragazzo. I read a about markets (sui mercati) ; we study at the same institute (nello stesso).

- Avverbi invece posposti rispetto all'italiano: me too; I love you too* ; I like your idea more (mi piace di più ...); We are approximately an hour away 

We do not have food, but at least we have water; see you soon presto; see you later; Whenever=quando; tell me when to start (dimmi quando partire). The book is pretty (piuttosto) interesting; It is possibly (forse) a bear; It is possibly her/him; we eat for approximately (circa) an hour; we have breakfast together (insieme); the workers work well together; there is coffee for later; enough (basta!)

It is possibly forse possibly; it is not too soon or it is not too early; why is he late? Exactly; then poi; once a month una volta al mese; it is really me sono veramente io; is it at least possible? è almeno possibile?


↑2019.03.10 PREPOSIOZIONI: He cooks Monday through Friday (nota la mancanza di from); Are the girls pretty at your school? (nella)


↑2019.03.06 Esercizio di reading. ALSO AVAILABLE FROM PENGUIN READERS

1) This is the story of Hapu. He lives in Ancient Egypt at the time of Queen Cleopatra. His father, Bak, has a small factory. He makes gold tables and chairs. Hapu helps him. He is a 'fireboy'. Every day he pushes a long handle up and down. The work is hot and very hard. But what can he and his father do? They are poor people. They need to make money.

2) Every evening they sit beside the Nile. Bak talks to his son about the factory, tomorrow's work - everything. “One day we're going to be very rich," he tells Hapu. "Are we?" The fireboy looks into his father's tired eyes. "Yes." Bak smiles. "I don't know how and I don't know when, but we are." Then he stands up. "Come on," he says. "It's late. Let's go home."

3) Three days later Hapu and Bak are making a table. It is very hot in the room. Suddenly Bak stops work. "What is it, father?" Hapu asks. "Is something wrong"? "I don't know," Bak answers,  he closes his eyes

“It's my head. I can't ..." And then he falls on the ground. "Father!" Hapu runs to Bak and puts one hand under his head. "Father - are you all right'?"

4) The next day Bak stays in bed, "I'm sorry Hapu," he says. "I want to work but I can't. I'm ill."

Hapu is very sad. "Father works too hard," he thinks. "That's why he's ill. We need more money - but what can I do?" Then he has an idea. "Of course!” he thinks. "I must make something for somebody very rich. Somebody like ... the Queen!"

5) Bak is ill for two weeks. In that time Hapu makes a lot of tables and chairs. But not only tables and chairs. He makes a gold necklace, too.

"There!" he thinks late one night. "It's ready." He smiles. The necklace is very beautiful. "Queen Cleopatra is going to like this," Hapu thinks. "She's going to pay a lot of money for it, too. I know she is."

6) The next morning he goes to Cleopatra's palace. The necklace is in a bag under his shirt.

"What do you want?" asks a palace guard. There are two guards. Each one has a sword.

"I want to see the Queen," Hapu answers.

Both guards laugh. "Go home, boy," says one of them. "Queen Cleopatra doesn't see people like you."

7) Hapu is very unhappy. "What do I do now?" he thinks. He leaves the palace and begins to walk home.

But ten minutes later he passes two men in the market. “Cleopatra's women are coming here tomorrow morning," says one. "They're arriving very early. They want to buy lots of new clothes for her."

"That's very good news," Hapu thinks.

8) The next day the fireboy gets up very early. He makes a cup of sweet tea for Bak. Then he goes to the market. "I can give the necklace to Cleopatra's women," he thinks. "They can give it to the Queen for me."

He waits and waits. For a long time nothing happens. Then music starts to play. A moment later Hapu sees a long line of people. They are coming from the palace.

9) Four men are carrying a very beautiful chair. A woman is sitting in it. Hapu puts one hand across his eyes. "It's the Queen!" he thinks. "She's coming, too!."

A minute later Cleopatra arrives. Suddenly everyone is very quiet. Then Hapu thinks, "This is the moment." He runs in front of Cleopatra's chair. "Stop!" he says. "Please. Stop!"

10) The Queen looks at him. "What do you want?" she asks. Hapu gives her the necklace.

"Is this really your work?" asks Cleopatra.

"Yes, yes it is," Hapu answers.

Guards!" says Cleopatra. "Give this boy some money."

She holds the necklace in her hands. "This is beautiful" she says. Then she leaves.

11) Hapu runs home. He is very, very happy.

Bak is in bed. "Look!" Hapu says. He shows the money from Cleopatra's necklace to his father.

"But how ...?" Bak closes his eyes, then opens them again. "I don't understand," he says. Hapu smiles, He sits down and tells his father everything. At the end of the story Bak says, "You're a good son, Hapu. Thank you."

12) That night Hapu looks up at the stars. "Now I can pay for a doctor to visit father," he thinks. "Then, after father is strong again ..."

But at that moment he stops. One of Cleopatra's guards is standing in front of him. He has a big sword. "Are you Hapu, son of Bak?" he asks. Hapu looks at him. "Yes. Yes, I am," he answers.

13) "Come with me," says the guard. "Queen Cleopatra likes your work. She wants to give you a job at the palace."

"But I have a job," Hapu says. "I work with my father. I can't leave him. You don't understand."

"No. You don't understand," the guard says. "When the Queen gives you a job, you take it. "He puts one hand on his sword. "Now go and say goodbye to your father."

14) At the palace Cleopatra talks to Hapu. She is wearing his necklace. "I want you to live here and make lots of beautiful things for me," she says.

"Thank you, Queen of the Nile," Hapu says. "But ... "

“But?" The Queen looks at Hapu

"But ... l can't live here. You see, my father is very ill and,.." Hapu tells the Queen everything.

15) At the end of Hapu's story. Cleopatra looks at him.

"All right," she says. "You can go home to your father. But ..."

"But?" asks Hapu.

"But from today, the two of you work only for me. Do you understand?"

"Oh yes!" Hapu smiles. He is very happy, Now he and his father can make lots of beautiful things and be rich.

"Yes, I understand."


↑2019.01.25 inizio corso Duolingo.


↑2019.01.15 inizio un corso base di inglese organizzato dalla LILT; per amici prendo qualche appunto, aggiungo qualche vocabolo da <duolingo> e annoto qualche link di approfondimento: prego gli amici di segnalarmi eventuali errori; per riascoltare la pronuncia di frasi, potremmo usare il traduttore google

understand and being understood; accuracy or fluency?

brush up the language rusty rispolverare la lingua arrugginita

a high pitched voice   a voce acuta

She's not going to help me   non ha intenzione di aiutarmi (non mi aiuterà)

The train is leaving, I'm leaving tomorrow me ne vado domani: si usa il present continuous anche nel futuro se è certo, mentre il simple present si usa per azioni abituali o attività permanenti

where are you going tonight? Tomorrow I’m not going to school: l’avverbio di tempo fa già il futuro

Tomorrow this time I will be sleeping

I wounldn't do that if I ware you

I wait for yoy  ti aspetto

on Sunday; vedi canzone happy days: meno male che leggo il testo, perché nel cantato alcune parole non riuscirei ad intendere; più semplice questa breve canzone,

to shout urlare; to complain lamentarsi; to cry piangere

meat carne; caffé è la bevanda, mentre café è il bar

don’t call, they are having lunch;

differenze tra Breakfast, lunch, brunch, dinner, meal

kitchen cucina; in the corner; cupboard credenza-armadio; curtains tende; in front off; behind; near; 

They are at lunch (non They are eating)

we are making a big mistake (sbaglio)

I wear a sweater (non I’m are wearing a shirt)

drink milk (non drink the milk); bread pane; dishes stoviglie; plat/es piatto/i

We couldn’t find the page you’re looking for

pasta idem anche in inglese; cry piangere

we eat lunch pranziamo, we have dinner ceniamo; meat carne; knives coltelli (non si pronuncia la k)

Turtle tartaruga (non si pronuncia la rt), duck anatra, bdear orso, spider ragno, crab granchio

what time do you get up si chiede a che ora non genericamente quando (when)

pay attention fa’ attenzione; we pay more interest this year (paghiamo più interessi quest'anno).

non il 12 feb ma il 13 feb

lazy pigro, tired stanco, exhausted, an energetic person, full of energy

are you listening to me? Frank is talking with

it is not her non è lei; they have her ce l’hanno loro

the lemon is mine, the lunch is ours

Thank you and you are welcome grazie e prego

Bye ciao in commiato, Hi ciao in arrivo, goodbye arrivederci

the animal eats its food allenarsi alla pronuncia, come per la parola milk the cat drinks its milk, the fish is his dinner

pink rosa, purple viola,colorful colorato

go and see it vai a vederlo; please show me the menu

we are at dinner; I eat on your plate; the dogs see in black and white; where ar they from?

we eat as we walk mangiamo mentre camminiamo

what is the chicken for? They are among (tra) us; the milk is behind the cheese

I eat fruit, except for apples; whose book is it? Di chi è ...; why them perché loro?

what color is the shirt? Which is it? Qual è? Who are you with tonight? She is your age

Tomorrow in the afternoon; tonight stanotte; dinner is on me tonight; what is the date today?

in a year tra un anno; i need a bit of sugar; I eat fruit except for apples

we are not against it non siamo contrari

The wife of my uncle is my aunt la moglie di mio zio è mia zia; She and he are siblings (fratelli o sorelle); they are wives mogli

judge giudice, guard guardia, police officer, lawyer avvocato, waitress cameriera; wife/wives; career carriera; actor actress (attore attrice); policeman o police officer

dinner is on me tonight stasera offro io la cena; They ask me to finish by tomorrow (mi chiedono di finire entro domani);

 until when? Fino a quando? He speaks until you sleeps lui parla finché tu non dormi. I do not want to wait until tomorrow.

she is your age è della tua età; they are approximately the same age; it is the same è uguale; books in the fall libri in autunno;

tye animal eats its own food; expensive costoso caro; sad triste; wooden di legno; in general di solito (o generally o normally); main meal pasto principale.

what is wrong che cosa non va? Why are you afraid perché hai paura? the mouse is afraid of us ha paura di noi; she is not afraid of anything

sign firmare; i think about Elisa penso ad Elisa; we look at the menu guardiamo il menu; include coinvolgere

I remember him mi ricordo di lui;

raise crescere allevare; coffee comes after the meal

I trust him mi fido di lui; she answers the questions; i ask a question; on Sundays I rest mi riposo

I like women mi piacciono le donne; but it is special to me.

strict; amusing or funny; hungry not angry, rested, weird, lazy, boring, dear, loyal, wet, spotted, nervous, freezing cold; warm

severo rigoroso; divertente; affamato; arrabbiato; riposato; strano; svogliato; noioso; caro; leale; bagnato; macchiato; nervoso; freddo glaciale; caldo

↑2019.02.12 spot the differences

In front of the first building on the sidewalk there is a girl

- that plays guitar in the picture A end near the girl there is a sitting dog, while in the picture B the girl plays violin and there isn’t the dog

In the second building I don’t see any difference between picture A and picture B.

In the third building

- above the awning there is a sign, that says “Florist” in the picture A, while it says “Newsagent” in the picture B

- under the awning there are flowers and plants in the picture A, while there is a trestle (pedestal) display stand in the picture B

In the fourth building at the ground floor we see a customer who is coming out of the greengrocer's shop: he is holding a fruit basket in the picture A, but he is holding a bunch of flowers in the picture B

Near the café on the sidewalk under the umbrella sitting at the table there is a man and a woman who eat sandwiches in the picture A; in the picture B, instead, they drink a cup of tea. Near their table there is another table on the sidewalk with a sitting boy who makes crosswords in the picture A, while he writes postcards in the picture B

On the opposite sidewalk we see a man photographing two children who are eating ice-creams in the picture A, while in the picture B they are eating hot burgers (noi diciamo hamburgers)

The traffic on the street holds the right, from which we understand that this place is not in England.

On the street in the direction towards the observer we see a motorcycle with two people and a bus with many passengers in the picture B, while in the picture A on the motorcycle there is only the driver and in the bus we see only one passenger.

On the street in the opposite direction we see a car and in front of the car we see a bicycle led by a girl without a helmet in the picture B; in the picture A, instead, we don’t see the car anymore, while the cyclist has a helmet


↑2019.01.15 inizio corso inglese LILT;

Vocaboli: meal pasto refezione farina macinato; food pranzo


↑2019.01.gg il corso di inglese ABA English è stato selezionato da Google come "Il Meglio del 2016": lo provo, ma dopo la prima lezione gratis propone il pagamento; passo a provare <duolingo>


↑2012.02.15 <repubblica> Nel Parlamento europeo i discorsi in aula si fanno parlando ognuno nella propria lingua, ma nelle commissioni le lingue usate sono soltanto inglese, francese e, più raramente, tedesco. Di fatto italiano e spagnolo sono diventate lingue comunitarie di serie B. L' inglese tollera più facilmente un vocabolario sguarnito e una costruzione della frase approssimativa; il francese, e l' italiano, sono più esigenti. O si conosce a sufficienza la lingua o è meglio evitare le trappole di una sintassi molto complessa. L' importante è evitare gaffe. Una scenetta che circola sulla rete mostra l' ex presidente del Consiglio che cerca di parlare con George W. Bush. Il suo inglese è così ridicolo che l' altro commenta beffardo: «Oh, you really speak a very good English». Il bello è che il nostro sembra prenderlo davvero per un complimento.


↑2009.07.13 Aiuto allo studio in lingua inglese: Unit 1 pag 14


2009.07.13 Aiuto allo studio: Unit1pag14 Modi di rispondere giusti ed errati

Presento Pietro

He’s Peter

This is Peter


Loro sono irlandesi?

Are they Irish?

They are Irish?


Ecco Kate. Il suo cognome è Wilson. Quella bici è sua.

This is Kate. Her surname is Wilson. That bike is her

This is Kate. Her surname is Wilson. That bike is hers


Hai cugini?

Have you got any cousins?

Have you got some cousins?


Cosa ti piace fare?

What do you like do?

What do you like doing?


Quante volte vai a in palestra?

How many times do you do to the gym? 3 times at the week

How often do you do to the gym? 3 times a week


A che ora fai colazione?

What time do you have breakfast?

What time do you have a breakfast?


Dove stai andando?

Where do you go?

Where are you going?


Solitamente ceniamo a casa, ma stasera ceno al ristorante, perché è il mio compleanno

We usually have dinner at home but tonight we are having dinner at the restaurant because it's my birthday (è una forma di futuro programmatico).

We usually have dinner at home but tonight we have dinner at the restaurant because it's my birthday.


Non ho da alzarmi presto

I don't have to get up early

I haven't to get up early


Jane ha da studiare molto

Jane has to study hard

Jane has study hard


Non c'era molta gente al mio party, ma c'era molto da mangiare.

There weren't many people al my party, but there was a lot of food.

There weren't much people al my party, but there was a lot of food.


Pam è più graziosa di Chris ed è anche la più interessante della scuola.

Pam is prettier than Chris and she's also the most interesting girl in the school

Pam is prettier that Chris and she's also the most interesting girl of the school


qual è il plurale di queste parole? match potato man dish boy lady church toy wife child play woman leaf foot trolley glass tooth city person video bus box knife bottle film secretary kiss stereo window class

+S boys toys trolleys videos bottles films stereos windows; +ES matches potatoes dishes glasses classes churches playes boxes busses kisses; +IES ladies cities secretaries; +VES wives leaves knives; IRREG. men children women feet teeth people

dish=piatto; wives=mogli; leaf=foglia; knife=coltello; feet=piedi; teeth=denti; trolley=carrello






DIFFERENZE USA-UK: color/colour




WELTANSCHAUUNG e presunzioni ideologiche


2022.02.09 the truth is that the battle begins when we are born (La verità è che la battaglia inizia quando si nasce) [CzzC: in questo corso di inglese non guasterebbe un po' più di ottimismo vedendo anche la fratellanza oltre al darwinismo sociale?]


2022.01.03 «we need a clear definition of the concept of human rights»: [CzzC: l'esercizio inglese di <duolingo> configura questa necessità fingendo di ignorare la dichiarazione universale: forse vuole insinuare che questa non sia abbastanza chiara da contemplare certe bulimie di diritti individualli?]


2021.12.12 la lezione Science/4§12 del corso duolingo mi fa tradurre «The definition of family has changed»: annoto che l'ONU si oppose all'emendamento che voleva riferirsi alla famiglia "nelle sue varie forme"


↑2019.mm.gg diamo per scontato che anche Duolingo tifi mainstream per LG, ma l'insistenza su "to take the bird, yesterday I touched a bird, the bird is in the yard, the girl heard a bird, the sister sees a bird, ..." con eventuale risposta giusta complimentata da "fighissimo" non farebbe pensare anche a te che all'autore piacciano allusività sessiste? O far passar per tonto il non vegetariano?